Adopt - a - Base Project
Appreciation | Food | Supply | Support | Gallery

It has come to our attention that even though so many people have already done so much to show support, there are still so many of our soldiers without the BBQs, gifts, gear and even basics such as toiletries.
These soldiers are protecting the center of the country and also in areas like Gush Etzion and Binayamin regions. However, they're without the visits and deliveries other soldiers on the front lines, deservedly, are also receiving...
It is precisely because of THESE soldiers protecting the center of the country, many Israelis have been able to drive on safe roads, return to work, schools etc... It's time to remember them too.
Aussie Guide has partnered with a very worthwhile Non-Profit Organisation - "Smiles for the Kids" - to bring the love and support to as many soldiers as we can.
They've already fed tens of thousands of soldiers since the outbreak of war and we're really excited to be able to partner with the Smiles team on this project. Together we're going to keep on giving back to those protecting Israel, and now you have the chance to contribute to this project too!
The idea is simple:
We'll go "base by base" and adopt it for a short time.
A welcome meal. Introduction and show of support. Shmoozing and learning about our soldiers serving and what they really need.
Then, with your funds collected, our team of volunteers on the ground, will get to work aquiring and then delivering everything we can.
Once the mission has been completed, we'll say our farewells, perhaps with another meal, and move on to the next base.
One of the Project's main goals is to keep supporting our troops, even after this war is over. After all, bases are permanent!
Please note - essentially we are aiming to keep support to the bases and their needs while concentrating on central regions throughout Israel. However, in some circumstances, we may provide support out-of-base,
E.g. Sponsoring a meal/bbq on site.
Now what?
Now is the time to show your support!
How do you do that and where exactly is your money going?
The process will occur in stages so we can fulfill our aim of providing our soldiers with the following:
Appreciation - Sharing the love and showing our gratitude for their service.
Food - Providing them with plentiful, healthy and home-cooked meal(s) or bbq on site. (All kosher).
Supply - Discovering what they need and then doing everything in our power to supply it to them. (Items such as food, basics like toiletries, clothes etc... toys and gifts for their children and whatever else is needed and is possible to obtain.
Support - Your financial support in action. Aussie Guide will take ZERO from your donations but will provide everything we can to ensure your money goes directly to supporting the cause and nothing else.
Gallery - Check out the pics and video from your support.
For more information and to join the Adopt-a-Base project, Contact us